me to you…

Become Your Dream…Sharing Secrets of Real Beauty

Posted on October 29, 2014 in the Sassy Secrets category

“If you DREAM it, just start being it…

It’s #WonderWomanWednsday & #WisdomWednesday! It’s quickly becoming my favorite day of the week since I get to share the best secrets…

I’ve spent a lot of my life dreaming. I spent a lot of my life hoping I reached those dreams. Frankly, I was exhausted and disappointed that my dreams weren’t becoming my whole life. I’ve read hundreds and hundreds of books, quotes, songs, poems — all that great ballywhoo yet still didn’t have the life I dreamed…

About a week ago I had an epiphany…instead of just dreaming it, why don’t I just act like my dream came true and live my life from that perspective…hmmm…that was something I could easily do. So I started. I feel a scrillion times happier, motivated and excited that my life is AWESOME! 

Have there been any major changes in the last week? From my perspective, you bet your sweet apples there has been – I launched a new business, signed up for a handmade gift show, got in touch with at least 50 of my favorite women to invite them to celebrate with me, AND have a fabulous new hair color.

I’ve received more compliments in the last week than in forever and I’m sure it’s because I changed my thinking and now feel aligned with what I think my life’s purpose is. I’m making more bold and confident decisions, speaking truthfully and passionately about what I REALLY want to do and I feel FREE…all because I changed my thinking…

What are you going to do?

Sassy Secret 2: If you have a dream, live as if your life is that dream.


Learn more about my adventure or contact me ( and learn more about how you can live your dreams with Arbonne!


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