Comments on: it’s a very vegan lasagna from me to you... Thu, 18 Dec 2014 20:47:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paige Fri, 21 Sep 2007 18:39:53 +0000 Love your blogs girlie, also love some of the books you have read. I myself had read one of them :.) I am so glad to know you love our fruits and veggies. I am always so excited to see you come on Friday, It is really a blessing for me to be there and to enjoy other peoples company but you have always stood out to me sonce day one, and I just wanted to say Thank you for being so excited to see us, it is totally awesome and makes me so happy.
I have been working on a cookbook taking pictures out at our farm and then trying to remember about 35 years of ideas, but I love it and I hope to get it to print soon. I will make sure you get a copy as I know you will apprecite the vegan and vegetarian ideas I have. Well off to go work CSA and Congrats on web site and your biz, Girl you rock !!!
